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Wildlife Picture Stories

This is a quick index of our wildlife picture stories and picture sequences.

Each page comprises a series of photos, with explanatory text where appropriate. Some show a sequence of images taken over a short period and aim to illustrate aspects of animal behavior, while others are simply for amusement and entertainment.

The thumbnail images under each title will give an idea of what's included on the page.

Cheetah Cubs Hone Hunting Skills - Young cheetahs practice hunting techniques.
cheetah cubs play fighting cheetah cubs practise fighting Young cheetah learning hunting cheetah cubs practise survival skills young cheetah sprinting cheetah cub pouncing

Hippo and Elephant Confrontation - Cheeky young elephant confronts big hippo.
cheeky elephant confronts hippo Hippo glares at young elephant Young elephant retreats from hippo Adult elephant harasses hippo Hippo makes dash for safety of water Hippo plunges into muddy dam

Baby Elephant Plays Follow-my-Leader - Baby elephant in mischievous mood.
baby elephants playing juevenile elephant at play Baby elephant pair baby elephant walk baby elephants, kruger park pair of juvenile elephants

Baboon in a Hurry to Cross River - Baboon hops, skips, and jumps across water.
Baboon leaps from bank Baboon in air Baboon airborne Baboon lands in river Baboon keeps head above water Baboon plunges for land

Lion Cubs Playing - Pair of young lion cubs at play, with tongue-in-cheek captions.
cubs playing baby lions young lion cubs lion cub pair romping lion juvenile pair cubs play-fighting

Affectionate Lioness with Playful Cub - Maternal affection in pictures
cubs playing near mother baby lion climbing on lioness lion cub with lioness affectionate lion mother tolerant lioness lioness showing affection

Young Lioness Swims River - Juvenile lion conquers fear of water to join family
lioness on riverbank lioness entering river young lion looking over shoulder lion cub looking toward land lion juvenile swimming river lion family group

Snake Swallowing Frog - Has this adder bitten off more than it can chew?
adder with toad snake attacks frog night adder with prey adder with toad in jaws snake trying to eat frog snake with frog

Baboon Skirmishes - Our primate cousins squabbling, fighting, and bullying each other.
baboons fighting chacma baboon skirmish Baboon chasing another Baboon bullying youngster adult baboon disciplines juvenile Baboon fighting with youngster

Lion Fight Sequence - Lion encounter turns ferocious as females turn on lone male
lion skirmish lions fighting lion agression lions get nasty male lion under attack lionesses get tough

Lions Mating - Lioness mating with different pride males, pics and video.
lion following female male lion looking to mate male lion mounting lioness lion pair mating lioness snarling at male lion and lioness mating

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