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Lion Pictures - Pg 3

Our third lion gallery features adult males, females, youngsters, and cubs taken in Mashatu Game Reserve in Botswana's Tuli Block area, and in the Lower Zambezi National Park in Zambia.

By human standards, lions lead a very lazy lifestyle! They're typically active for only two to four hours at night and then spend much of the day resting in the shade.

If you're on safari, your chances of capturing interesting lion movement or interaction on camera will be much better in the early morning or in late afternoon when they're more active. That's in any event the best time of day for photography because the light is softer.

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lion cub, Botswana lioness with full belly, Botswana Picture of lioness licking, Botswana
Lioness resting lion cub and adult male lion Lion cub and big male lion
Lion strolling Lion walking lion on kill
wildlife reference photos
Picture of lion male on riverbank, Botswana Picture of lioness with cubs Lioness with three cubs
Close-up picture of lion's head, Botswana Photo of male lion at rest, Botswana Lioness asleep, close-up
Lion male with black mane lioness resting, Botswana Lion male at rest
A Variety of Colors
Adult lions vary in color from tawny to sandy brown with white or cream under parts. Cubs are often lighter and faintly spotted on the lower parts.

However, because photographers are often obliged to take pictures of lions in poor light - usually deep or mottled shade - the colors you'll find when looking at lion photographs in books or magazines can vary dramatically.

Affordable Digital Cameras
If you're on a budget, there are now a number of excellent digital cameras available with 24x and more zoom lenses, giving you the equivalent of at least 300mm on a 35mm camera. The lenses are also "fast", with maximum apertures of around F/2.8 to F/3.5.

This allows you to take pictures in lower light than you would with a typical F/5.6, 75-300mm zoom lens.

Armed with one of these cameras you should be able to return from a photographic safari in Africa with some excellent lion or other wildlife photos. (See Affordable Wildlife Photography for more).

Lion Information
If you'd like to find out more about lions, see the Lion Information page.

Lion Captions:

Row 1:
1.Lion cub relaxing in shade, Tuli Block, Botswana
2.Lioness relaxing after big feed, Tuli Block, Botswana
3.Lioness licking her coat, Tuli Block, Botswana

Row 2:
1.Lioness lying under bush, Tuli Block, Botswana
2.Lion cub pounces playfully on adult, Tuli Block, Botswana
3.Male lion warns off playful cub, Tuli Block, Botswana

Row 3:
1.Lioness on leisurely stroll, Tuli Block, Botswana
2.Lioness licking her lips, Tuli Block, Botswana
3.Lioness tucks into remains of kill, Tuli Block, Botswana

Row 4:
1.Lion male at rest on river bank, Tuli, Botswana
2.Lioness with her cubs, Lower Zambezi NP, Zambia
3.Lioness with playful cubs, Lower Zambezi NP, Zambia

Row 5:
1.Close-up of Lion male's head, Tuli Block, Botswana
2.Lion male posing, Tuli Block, Botswana
3.Close-up of sleeping lioness, Tuli Block, Botswana

Row 6:
1.Black-maned lion taking it easy, Tuli Block, Botswana
2.Lioness lying prone in the shade, Tuli Block, Botswana
3.Male lion resting under a bush, Tuli Block, Botswana

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