Leopard Pictures - Pg 1
Returning from safari with a porfolio of outstanding leopard images is not easy as these
magnificent but secretive cats spend much of the day inactive, hidden from view in
leafy trees or dense bush.
Although daytime sightings do occur in national parks where leopards have become accustomed to vehicles,
such sightings are usually fleeting.
In addition, your subject will often be well-camouflaged,
making it even more difficult for the photographer.
So count yourself lucky if you ever come across a leopard lying relaxed on a tree branch, in good light!
Leopard snarling, close-up
Click on any picture to enlarge

Leopard mother and cub |

Male leopard portrait |

Leopard in tree at night |

Close-up of male leopard

Young leopards play-fighting

Leopard in tree with kill

Leopard lounging on tree stump

Leopard walking in short grass

Watchful Leopard in tree
Young Leopard Close-up Magic of Africa T-shirt

Love Africa Leopard T-shirt
Leopard Close-Up, Side View
Leopard sitting on its haunches
Leopard walking, front-on
Leopard making eye contact
Leopard looking back
Leopard walking along track
Leopard seated on tree stump
Leopard climbing down tree

Leopard relaxing in tree |

Big male leopard lying on branch

Leopard partially hidden in tree |
Dappled Shade
Dappled shade may be attractive to the eye but, combined with the leopard's natural camouflage, will often
make your photograph too confusing and "busy".
For this reason professional photographers will often use fill-in flash
to soften the shadows and put highlights in the eyes of the leopard.
Bear in mind though that flash, if not handled with care, can also present its own problems, causing animal "red-eye"
or over-exposure of your subject.
Elephant Plains Game Lodge
Virtually all the leopard photos on this page were taken in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin. We were based at
Elephants Plains Game Lodge, a small family-run lodge within Sabi Sand that has gained a reputation for
providing guests with outstanding opportunities to view and photograph leopards.
Although there are good numbers of leopards in the adjoining Kruger National Park, they are not easy to
see and photograph, mainly because visitors cannot stray off the designated roads - something which is permitted
in private reserves.
Experienced Trackers
In many private game reserves visitors also have the luxury of an experienced tracker in the safari vehicle. Add
the guide/driver, and you have two sets of exceptionally sharp eyes that can pick-up tell-tale signs of leopard and
other wildlife that would escape the rest of us.
Also, because leopards are territorial, the game rangers get to know where the individual cats hang out and will
take their guests there, usually with successful results.
For most visitors to the bush, finding these superbly camouflaged cats in thick foliage or high in the branches
of a leafy tree can be tricky.
See the picture below that clearly illustrates how a leopard's markings blend in
with the background of dappled shade.
See also Leopard Pictures 2
Or return to Wildlife Galleries
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