Scotch Macaskill's Wildlife Blog
IMPORTANT: Please note that from April 2009 this Blog's Web address changed as a result of a switch in the blogging platform we use. It's still an integral part of the Wildlife Pictures Online website and, we hope, will continue providing entertaining and enjoyable content in the form of wildlife images, news, views and information.
For the most recent posts, links, and other resources, please visit the new Wldlife Photography Blog.
Today's picture: Impala and Redbilled Oxpecker April 10, 2006
Photo Details: Young Impala ram (Aepyceros melampus) with Redbilled Oxpecker clinging to the side of its head, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Camera: Canon EOS 350D
Lens: Canon 100-400mm IS zoom
Focal Length: 400mm
Shutter Speed: 1/640
Aperture: F5.6
ISO: 400
More free wildlife pictures added April 27, 2006
A further 15 wildlife and nature images have been added to the main site. These pictures can be downloaded and used for personal or commercial purposes at no cost. They're suitable for web sites, presentations, and as reference or inspiration for your own artwork.
There are now a total of 70 free images available and more will be added at regular intervals. Check Free Wildlife Pictures and Free Wildlife Pictures - Pg2 to see what's available.
Today's picture: Lilacbreasted Roller April 27, 2006
Photo Details: Lilacbreasted Roller (Coracias caudata), Kruger National Park, South Africa. These colorful birds are common in the Kruger Park and will often perch on old tree stumps or small trees quite close to the road, providing good photo opportunities that are hard to resist. Of course, to catch them in flight is another story.
Camera: Canon EOS 350D
Lens: Canon 100-400mm IS zoom
Focal Length: 400mm
Shutter Speed: 1/1000
Aperture: F5.6
ISO: 400
Sunday is Worldwide Pinhole Photography day April 29, 2006
What, you may well ask, is Worldwide Pinhole Photography day?
Answer - it's an international event created to promote and celebrate the art of pinhole photography.
Pinhole photography was the forerunner of modern photography and requires only the most basic of equipment, so tomorrow's your opportunity to give it a go.
Pinhole photography allows you to take a photograph using only a light-tight container (box, can, carton) with a tiny hole in one side (as a camera) and any photo-sensitive surface inside.
You can adapt an existing camera, or make the camera yourself . The experience of image-making becomes a little more special when created with your own hand-made camera;
On Worldwide Pinhole Photography day (last Sunday in April), the organizers encourage people throughout the world to:
- take some time off from the increasingly technological world we live in and to participate in the simple act of making a pinhole photograph;
- share their visions and help spread the unusual beauty of this historical photographic process.
You can find out more about pinhole photography, plus help on how to build a pinhole camera, from the organization's website,
Today's picture: Tree Squirrel April 29, 2006
Photo Details: Tree Squirrel (Paraxerus cepapi) pauses briefly while clinging to the trunk of a tree, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Camera: Canon EOS 350D
Lens: Canon 100-400mm IS zoom
Focal Length: 400mm
Shutter Speed: 1/160
Aperture: F5.6
ISO: 400
Please Note: Pictures displayed on this blog are copyright protected. View them online, enjoy them, but kindly do not use them for anything else. Should you wish to purchase an image or require clarification on use, please contact me.
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Site updated: 2019. Copyright © 2002 - 2019 Scotch Macaskill